Date day
Mom, Dad and I had a date morning on Saturday, just the three of us (don't worry, for those of you who believe in equality and fairness between siblings, Maida is going to get one before baby brother comes, too). It was too chilly that morning to go to the pool (my first choice) and Mom assured me Chuck E. Cheese wasn't open yet (my second choice), so we went to an art class together.
Just getting warmed up before the work begins...
For those of you who know me, then you know I am somewhat of a perfectionist. This was a guided art class, so we were copying a picture that the teacher was painting, and I wanted mine to look EXACTLY like hers. Let's just say there were a couple meltdown moments where we weren't sure if I was going to make it. But I powered through ... it just took me a little bit longer than most.
Break time, I was happy again because my picture was coming along nicely.
Ta Da! I give you the "plump owl"
Our masterpieces. Don't tell Mom, but I like mine better.
Then today my cousin Sayler came over to play after church. We went to the park (which was entirely too hot, at least for Mom), ate some lunch, and then enjoyed Otter Pops in the shade on the front porch. Lazy Sunday afternoon fun.