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I finally got to experience what most kids my age have already done several times...

First you get to sit in a cool pink airplane
And that helps you forget about the strange lady taking scissors to your hair you've been working so hard at growing for 2 1/2 years
But then, all of sudden, you realize there's a strange lady cutting your hair you've been working so hard at growing for 2 1/2 years...
...and you start to panic
But then this strange lady with striped hair and an earring in her nose gives you something cool called "mousse" to spread around your hair. Feels just like bubbles from the bath to me, but whatever.
And she shows you had to "smuuuush" your hair just so to get your curls to look their best (we still aren't sure where the curls came from)
And you realize this hair cutting thing is pretty cool. Hopefully I don't have to wait another 2 1/2 years to do it again!
I feel so sophisticated now, I think I should add something else to my look, like glasses.
What do you think?


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