Go Big Red, or not

Last weekend we took a trip back to Nebraska to visit family and so Mom and Dad could go to the much-anticipated Nebraska-Texas game. If those of you reading this don't know how that one turned out ... well, let's just say you didn't miss much.

But back to me..I was really excited to see everyone because I knew my birthday extravaganza was going to continue, even though Mom keeps telling me my birthday is over (but I keep asking for ice cream cones, anyway).

Papa and Grandma didn't disappoint. After dinner, they had a chocolate malt cake waiting for me.

Look at the size of that piece Papa gave me ... I knew there was a reason I liked this guy.
Then MORE presents
The next day, I hung out at Mimi and Grandpa's house while Mom and Dad went to the game, and I got even MORE presents!
I love having two weeks' worth of birthdays!

Luckily, everyone was still in good spirits after the terrible loss to Texas
Between you and me, I think Dad had a few too many toots at the game, his eyes were a little glazed over
The next day, Dad headed home to go the Broncos game (it was a very disappointing weekend for him), and Mom and I headed to Omaha. Not sure if any of you were aware of this giant pumpkin "tree" they have there, but I figured I might as well try and climb it.
We also met up with Aunt Jill. I hadn't seen her in god knows how long and she was amazed at two things: A) that I could sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and my ABC's simultaneously, and B) how much hair I had.
Then later that day we hung out with Mom's other good friend, Katherine, and her little girl Corinne. She's only a few months younger than me, but as you can see, she's pretty much exactly my height, and has me beat on hair (doesn't everyone?). We played at the park - on the bike rack, of course...
And watched a little Snow White. I don't think Corinne took her eyes off the TV for 20 minutes. I however, was less amused by the dwarfs and only lasted for about 5 minutes.


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