Earrings and Gingerbread Houses

That's right folks...we have earrings. I've been bugging Mom about getting my ears pierced for a couple months now. She thought it was just a flash in the pan idea and said if I still wanted to do it by Christmas, we could do it then (I think she was shocked I even wanted to do it!). Well, turns out I didn't forget. We were headed to the mall to see Santa a couple weeks ago and I knew the mall was where this ear piercing thing would happen, so I begged and pleaded and she gave in.

Here I am pre-piercing

My friend Desmond even came to watch the show (Ella and Lily came along, too :)..

We had to wait until there were two people so we could do both ears at the same time. Good thing we did, otherwise I'd have one whole in my head instead of two. It was debatable immediately following whether or not I made a mistake.

But a couple hours later, I was feeling much better and was rather happy about my decision

Later that week GG came up and we made our annual Gingerbread House ... it's always quite the process, but I think we keep getting a little better each year.

Not too shabby, I'd say!

Then we did a little baking with Mom while Foster hung out in his Bumbo on the counter. Unfortunately, Maida got her finger pinched underneath the mixer right after this photo was taken ... nobody ever said baking cookies with Mom was safe.


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