Dad the "coach"

I may or may not have mentioned fall soccer season started a couple weeks ago, but I'm certain I didn't mention that Dad is our coach, because I didn't find this out until the very first practice. Turns out Mom basically ambushed him and signed him up as our "assistant coach" because we still didn't have one. But what she didn't know, is that was really just a ploy by the company to get a coach, period. There was no "assistant" about this position. It was just my Dad.

Our first practice was slightly haphazard (and I'm being nice), but it's not really his fault because we showed up and was given a printout of things to do, that's it.  But this past week was a vast improvement with "red light, green light" games, superhero scores, and keep-away. Turns out, all Dad needs is a little prep time, and he can tackle any task. 

I never said we paid attention all the time, though.

Oh, and it helped that Mr. Brett (Celie's Dad) helped coach this week, as well!
And poor Maida, still always trying to get in on the action.



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