Thanksgiving NE style
We traveled to God's country for Thanksgiving this year and had a great time ..
Well, ok, if we're being honest, it didn't start out all that great. I did however break my record for how many times I've thrown up in the car in one trip (new record: 6). Turns out I was actually sick this time because the throwing up and subsequent fever continued into the next day.
But it was nothing some ibuprofen and tylenol won't cure - I was good as new 24 hours later and decided I was ready to show Mimi my soccer skills (you have to wear a trucker hat to play soccer, of course).
Maida thinks she might like to get into this soccer thing, too.
Maida and Koda did some bonding
And later that night, we had our Thanksgiving dinner with Great Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell. My favorite part was the homemade Tiramisu cake - though Grandpa does make a mean Chicken Parmesan!
Uncle Matt is so much fun these days...and he's coming back out to visit us in a couple weeks!
We attempted to get a photo of the kids with the Grandparents, but we weren't very successful (poor Sayler was hungry!)
The next day, we headed to Papa's house. I was so excited to see the rest of my cousins! We got there a little early so Maida could nap, and no one else was there yet. I'm not the most patient girl around, so I played the "are they here yet?" game with Grandma for the next 45 minutes.
Finally they all arrived! Everyone was awake, so we sat down for a group photo. We never did get one where everyone was actually looking at the camera.
Dessert and drawing with Jaxson, Kaelee and Uncle Jace
On our way home (which went much smoother - aka, no throwing up!), Mom had the bright idea of stopping at the "Welcome to Colorful Colorado" sign to commemorate our road trip. This photo does not adequately portray how cold and windy it was ... we were freezing (though Maida seems to be impervious to the cold - she's laughing away)