The Tree

Off we went to our local nursery to pick out our perfect Christmas tree. No, it's not quite like they did in the old days where they tromped through 5 feet of snow and cut down their own tree, but being that I'm a city girl, I was cool skipping that part. Besides, I got free hot cider, cookies and popcorn at this place!

Seriously, Dad, just hand over the popcorn

The hunt begins
Dad, I found the perfect tree for my room!
I give you the Griswald (oops, I mean Kroll) Family Christmas Tree
The next night we went to Zoo Lights with GG, D, Aunt Sara, and Celie and her family

Celie and I helped pull the wagon around
And then we got tired and decided to go for a ride
We watched some guy throwing fire around (not sure what that had to do with Christmas lights, but it was cool to watch!)
And Aunt Sara and I rode on the merry-go-round (on the giraffe, of course, it's the ONLY animal I will ride on)

Let the Christmas season begin!


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