1st day of "school"

I use the term "school" loosely because it's really not school I'm going to, but a "parent's day out program" - read, break time for Mom - where I just play for 4 hours straight, with a break to eat lunch. It's awesome. I loved it for the few months I went earlier in the year, but that was partially because I loved my teacher, Ms. Rosa. I'm still a little leary of these new teachers.

Today was the first day (I get to go two days a week this year!), and I was pretty stoked. I got my backpack just like Dora, and I was ready to go.

Don't hold it against Mom that she claims to be a professional child photographer and can't get her own daughter to sit nicely and pose for a "1st day of school" photo (in her defense, she didn't try very hard).

If I could just get this $&%#@ thing clipped
A little help here lady?
My attempt at saying "cheese"
Sidenote on the previous post with the photo of my naked booty: I was not put down for a nap without anything covering my bum - I took my diaper off all on my own and Mom and Dad were as surprised as you were on what they walked in on


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