A win is a win...

So last Saturday I finally got to witness a Nebraska Football game where they actually won (Mom and Dad told me it used to be a regular occurance, but not as much anymore), and I must say, it was pretty exciting. I sported my Nebraska onesie, along with some awesome leg warmers. My friend Celie was still feeling spring-like because of the warm weather we've been having, so she wore her pink polo dress, and of course, leg warmers (all the cool kids have them!). I must say, we're quite the cute pair, don't cha think? Celie is smiling up a storm lately, so Mom said it's my turn to start smiling. Here's one of my first attempts (could still just be gas, but I thought Mom was funny continually badgering me to smile at her, so I indulged her for the moment).

My grandma and grandpa G. also came to hang out for the game, and I got my first official photo with both of them together (I know, you'd think my mom would've gotten a picture of me with my grandparents together sooner!? )

Grandpa looks a little dazed but let me tell you he was in good spirits for the day...he is too funny-not the best when it comes to pictures but we will work on him. Everyone enjoy this week and I will keep you updated on my upcoming trip to "God's Country"this weekend...as Dad would say (that is NE for you outsiders)...good night everyone, I said goodnight.
Best Regards,