It finally happened last night, I lost my first tooth. But I won't go into detail about all the drama it caused (tears and more tears!)...
I had a visit to the dentist a week ago where they loosened it to the point of literally hanging on by a thread (Mom felt this was necessary because my permanent tooth was already coming in behind it). But I wouldn't let them take it. I held on to that baby for almost another week. It was coming out on my terms. But I also wouldn't let the Tooth Fairy take it. She still left me this nifty $2 bill, though.
Backing up a bit, we had the 3rd Annual Daddy Daughter Dance a couple weekends ago, and as always, had a blast.
We were lucky this year and got invited to join some friends in a limo. Yes, we are high rollers, no need to even ask (PS - their friend owns the Limo company).
The next day was Mother's Day, so we headed down to GG and D's for Brunch and played in the snow, of course, because that's what we do in Colorado in May.
We've also been getting an obscene amount of rain lately, and we were so tired of being cooped up, one day after school when the sun made a rare appearance, we just ran outside and soaked it up.
Meanwhile this kid is working on a serious mowhawk..
We think he's trying to give Mae a run for her money on the best toddler hair (she still holds the title on this one so far).