Vacation in the desert
A couple of weeks ago was our vacation in Scottsdale. True to Griswald style, Foster started getting sick about 36 hours prior to our departure. Did that stop us?? Of course here's the Dude in 105 Arizona temps with a 101 fever...I'm guessing he will have the immune system of robot (or something else that never gets sick) when he's older.
Maida and I spent most of our days doing this ... and it was awesome.
Mom even took a turn down the slide, though it wasn't pretty.
After a few days, Foster's fever had subsided and he came out of hiding to "enjoy" some pool time. I use the quotes because he never really seemed to enjoy anything the whole week ... poor kid.
Then Dad, Maida, D and I went into Phoenix to escape the heat a bit and hit up their amazing Children's Museum.
Funny photo of Maida emerging from the tubes screaming bloody murder.
We also went to an indoor Diamondbacks game, and got our first offical Major League baseball.
The only family photo ops from the whole trip
We also went to the driving range with Dad and D early one morning and practiced our swing.
Maida just couldn't take the heat anymore.
And ... back to the pool!
Foster is already 11 months old...we almost forgot! His funny pics with Greenie (and Maida) to come...