10 months came and went

And yet again, we are late with Foster's monthly birthday tribute. But no harm, no foul. Here the kid is, just having fun with it last week...

He became so obsessed with Greenie and wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, he almost fell right off the chair.

Then it was time to take Greenie on a real ride.

It was also warm enough last week for us to let our butterflies go. We got pretty attached to these little buggers (no pun intended) since we've had them since they were teeny caterpillars, and watched them become butterflies.

One took off from my hand..

and then, as if they knew what sibling rivalry really is, the last one decided to pay Maida a visit before flying away.

Busy weekend coming up with Aunt Sara and Jed's wedding on Friday! Stay tuned for highlights from the big day. I know what you're thinking ... will we actually walk down the aisle and take care of our flower girl duties. To be continued...


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