The big 0-5

Today was officially the day I leave any trace of toddler-hood behind!

I woke up to balloons galore in my room ...

... and outside my door. I was a little confused, and had a hard time getting through the balloon booby trap. I thought Mom had invested in a helium machine.

The day started with perhaps the best donuts I've ever had from Marty's on 47th. They were right out of the oven and just melted in your mouth. Nice work, Marty.

I've been waiting a long time for this next one ... GUM. That's right, I finally get to chew gum. So after my donuts, I didn't hesitate another second.

I chewed it for approximately 42 seconds and then spit it out. I was careful not to say I didn't like it .. I DID like it, but it's a lot of work chewing gum. This is one thing I never realized until now.

 Mom picked me up early from school, and I got to pick where we went for lunch, so I of course chose Chuck E Cheese. But shhhhh, don't tell Maida! My new record is 109 tickets.

GG and D came up later in the day to have dinner with us

I think this one's gonna be a doozy to put together, but I'm up for the challenge

Awesome Octonauts Octopod - oh, and don't forgot the cool new Jake shirt I'm wearing. GG surprised Maida with a new Izzy shirt, as well. We're all about equality here.

Happy 5th Birthday to me :)


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