Maida's 8 months old...
...and I'm not really that excited about it. But here she is with Greenie, happy as a clam.
Looks like she's hailing a cab
And why, you may ask, am I not excited about Maida's birthday? I'll tell you why...because as of right now, Maida gets on my nerves a bit. She can now take my toys and she screams at me if I take them away (but I do it anyway). On this particular day, I was told Maida had to sit on the chair with Greenie like she does every month to "chart" her growth, whatever that means. Again, don't really care. All I know is Greenie is my stuffed animal (whom I never play with unless a particular little sister wants to play with him), and I was NOT happy about Maida using him as her prop. So I am screaming bloody murder during all of the above photos.
By now, Mom and Dad ask me if I want to sit with Maida and hold Greenie...there, that's better, don't you think, Maida?!
Greenie, I'm so sorry this had to happen to you (notice the obvious pouty lip)
But now, we're all happy.
Except when Maida tries to take Greenie again and (gasp!) eat his leg!
I think this birthday photo session is over.