Happy Halloween, it snowed!
This title might be a little deceiving, since it's actually sunny and 65 here on Halloween, but it did snow for the first time this season last week, so I figured I'd combine the two posts.
I was super excited to get out in the snow and play, so Mom bundled me up, and out we went.
She did, however, make the mistake of telling me that snow is actually frozen water, and you can eat it, and it will melt in your mouth. So that's what I proceeded to do for the next 15 minutes. I was told to stay away from the yellow snow.
Wipe off my mouth...
and back for more.
Maida was sleeping, and the snow melted quickly over the next day or two, so she'll have to wait for the next snowstorm to have her first experience with it. Good thing she won't have to wait long, it's supposed to snow again this week!
Now for Halloween...this year, I am dressing up as a Christmas present, Maida is a lion, and Dad is ... just some weird guy with long hair.
We went to my friend Audrey's house for a Halloween party last weekend and had a blast. She was the perfect Snow White.
Maida practicing her lion roar
And we've had enough of the lion.
Celie was there, too, and she was a Fairy.
Graham was a chick with a really big mustache - which he thought was hilarious!
Then yesterday it was time for pumpkin carving. Dad helped with the big one, and I got my paints out for the little ones.
Check back later for some trick-or-treating photos!
Happy Halloween!