Friend, Amigo, Freund, Ami
However you want to say it, I have a lot of them. You all know my girl Celie, of course, but I thought I'd introduce you to a couple more of my friends I like to hang out with.
First we have Nathan...we met at music class and have become besties (maybe because Nathan's Mom says he walks around saying "Harper" all day...can you blame him?!). We met Nathan at the Discovery Zone last week and had a lot of fun digging for dinosaurs.

I'm all about kissing these days, though looks like my aim was off.

And later in the week my friend Maddy came down to visit! This is only our second meeting (she's only 5 months old after all), but I can already tell we're going to be good friends. We both have the blue-eyed, bald head thing going.
Here's Maddy and her mama, Amy (Mom loves her!)
Good thing I had so much fun last week because now I'm sick and we've barely left the house in 3's awesome.