Happy Birthday, GG
Saturday was GG's birthday and we helped her celebrate "Toy Story"-style. I was adamant that we have Buzz Lightyear represented, so we went to the party store beforehand and got all the right gear, including a "Pin the tail on Bullseye" game.
Any of you that really know me well, know this tidbit about me ... I like to win. To the point that if I don't, well, let's just say the term "sore loser" could've been coined for me and me alone. Mom actually refuses to play games with me anymore because of it (weird, because I know no one likes to play games with Dad either - coincidence?). "Pin the tail on Bullseye" was no different. I went first and didn't get the tail EXACTLY where it was supposed to go, and things went downhill from there. I had to be removed from the situation.
After I calmed down, we came back and finished the game. Maida had a hoot of a time with it and actually enjoyed the game like you're supposed to.
Dad's skills where a bit lacking ... and no surprise that I ended up taking several more turns and getting my tail right where it was supposed to go. We set you up for success in the Kroll house by teaching real-world life lessons.
GG's Buzz Lightyear cake designed by yours truly.
Our gift to GG - Dr. Seuss does a great rendition of "You're Only Old Once!"
Happy Birthday, GG - we love you!