First day of preschool

As you all know, today was my first official day of preschool, and I of course had to take some photos with the fam this morning before Dad left for work. 

Sporting Spiderman, of course...did you really expect to see me in a dress?? I've got a bow in my hair, that's as far as I'll go on the girl scale.

Maida wanted to get involved in the school action and wear her backpack

 Had to get a screaming photo in there somewhere

On our way inside (yes, I did change into shorts later in the day)

In front of MY cubby. Ok, it's not just mine, I share it with some other girl who comes in the morning, but it's mine starting at 12:30.

My teacher, Ms. Clair. She and I are going to be tight, I can tell already.


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